What a view!
Thank you DP, a participant in last week’s group hike, for sharing this. We had our biggest group hike ever – 17 participants – including one for whom hiking was totally new. It was a tiny walk for Will and Jeff but I was so proud of a few participants who had to really struggle and work hard at the motor planning element. I learned some important leader-things to better facilitate larger groups with individuals of widely varying hiking speeds.
As I’m in stressed work mode, with multiple priorities/never enough time, this is my screen saver for the day. It’s a reminder that there’s a horizon bigger than the little pebbles in my day – and a long view that’s open for the taking, if I just look beyond the rocks and roots. Like all the independent clean-up and help-Mom tasks Will did in succession this morning while awaiting his school bus. Like Jeff’s trying hard to sequence new steps together to make a different lunch for himself this morning – a bagel with cream cheese – and his success at totally entering the shower independently.
As I beat up on myself for spending an hour watching a dumb movie rerun last night instead of working – I can think about how every once in a while – we – even I – do something right – like starting our hiking club, and knowing I helped others get beyond their ability to the brighter, longer horizon.