Busy work day meant clockwork like precision and sitting in front of the computer earlier than even the usual early. Yet buried within the business are simple victories – the kind it’s vital for us to honor, because they mean IT’S WORKING – what we do, the slog, the fight and the way stations on the path toward capability.
J independently arose and found me when my iPhone alarm went off at rising time. I’ve stopped setting his own room alarm as there are too many confusing buttons and he kept making mistakes in the dark – putting “buy alarm clock” on the growing list of dumb tasks to be done sometime when I get time -which is never (like sewing that button on his khakis that say in the sewing pile for, oh, 2 years.) So I figured it was a great stop-gap learning that applies to other moments in the day, like when it’s time to stop painting and clean up. Yay for J!
W.’s toast buttering skills, in particular the diagonal slant to the knife, are greatly improved to the point that he did his toast far better today – he’s now consistent in understanding toast slices placed “next to” each other on the plate, vs. on top of each other or other arrangements. Even his school commented after cooking class the other day that his spreading skills are coming on strong.
J. got his own cereal, bowl, and spoon and successfully ate it as his snack yesterday. OK he forgot the milk but heck, this is good.
W. independently tied both shoes in a separate room from me and then came to the kitchen to make his breakfast. Yes I did tighten one but he did it all.
J. independently got his toothbrush and started brushing last night.
W.’s use of the correctly labelled W cup at the sink for his water is improving, and probably about 70% from a less than half the time accuracy of maybe 3 weeks ago.
Progress, not perfection, always. What we’re doing is working!