TwinMom takes a break from autism

TwinMom kissed the men goodbye today (all three) and flew on an adventure. It has nothing to do with curing autism or habilitating my challenged young guys. And yet it’s tightly wound into my ability to be whole – human – and energized to do more than just do – but to create.

My guys need a re-created world. Sure they fit in most days but the next 10 months is going to be foundational. Much as I love them and try to work the independence building, they are going to have to get ready for adult life, and not just in mommy and daddy’s house. I’m fine with deferring the residential component but I’ll be Goddamned if I throw them into a dayhab world with meaningless yet safe existence 6 hours a day instead of purposeful and productive helping.

I’m ready to start living my life differently – more about the boys work of the future and less about my clients.

But first, a rare experience – a pause – an immersion in the past as my best hope for a brighter future for all. Bring it on!